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The Worst 8 Ways to Battle Crypto Gambling Addition

If you want to continue ruining your life, keep gambling by following the exact eight worst ways to battle crypto gambling addition listed in this article.

The Worst 8 Ways to Battle Crypto Gambling Addition

You have been losing 95% of your trades, and now, you regret your choice.

Then, out of a sudden. You fall back into the same cycle of mistakes—again and again.

You promised you would never gamble again, but here we are again, looking at the negative PnL in Binance or Bybit.

diamond mining meme
Famous Diamond Mining Meme

'But everyone is winning in X(Twitter), sick gains, millions in positive PnL!'

But that's not you—it's time to call your crypto gambling addiction off.

I understand how you feel about the voices in your head and the unsettling feeling of an 'unopened' position.

I have been there, lost more than $50K in leverage & spot trading in Binance and Bybit.

I have even taken my addition to buying shitcoins through Uniswap and Pancakeswap. Or I am investing in good-sounding projects in hopes of 100X gains.

Disclaimer: I lost almost 75% of my earnings from 20 to 28 years old.

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If I could turn back time, I hope I have invested in myself (Which is why I started Solid Metrics) rather than falling into crippling gambling by investing in things that I have zero control over.

a prisoner of one's own addiction
This is how I felt as an crypto gambling addict

I am no longer addicted because I followed a mental discipline to escape my crypto-gambling addiction.

What is Crypto Gambling Addition?

Crypto gambling addiction is an addiction that refers to compulsive, uncontrolled gambling behavior involving cryptocurrencies.

constantly thinking about gambling
You can't function without thinking of your opened positions.

#1: Constantly Occupied with Gambling

Those suffering from crypto gambling addiction become consumed by obsessive thinking about gambling. You constantly think about your next bet or analyze your most recent gambling outcomes.

You obsess over past wins, vividly remembering bet details, the rush you felt when winning, and how much you won. At the same time, losses haunt you. You stress over lost money and replay mistakes in your bets or strategy.

This preoccupation persists even when you are not actively gambling. Your mind drifts to crypto gambling sites and betting opportunities at work or when spending time with family. You may sneak off to gamble online during inappropriate times, like at work.

Hours are spent studying odds, researching new coins to bet on, and obsessing over strategies to try and score a big win. Crypto gambling dominates both your active and passive thinking.

It becomes nearly impossible to turn off the constantly churning thoughts about gambling. Your mind fixates on your open positions, leading to compulsively checking your phone. Crypto gambling addiction entails an all-consuming preoccupation that crowds out almost all other thoughts.

a person gambling larger size each time
'This time, I will open 100X for just $500.'

#2: Bigger and Bigger Bets Without Caring About Risk

At first, just a $50 bet would rush you when you gamble on crypto.

But as time passed, you needed more money to get that same thrill you chased. Before you know it, you are betting hundreds or even thousands without blinking an eye, numbing your senses as if losing thousands feels like nothing, when in reality it's a lot of money.

You started taking really big risks, almost recklessly. You hoped you could hit it big with one massive all-or-nothing bet and win back all the money you had lost. You bet your whole crypto wallet once on this high-risk, high-reward coin, thinking you could easily double your money. Of course, you ended up losing it all.

The more you lost, the more convinced you became that you could win it all back if you just bet bigger. After losing $5,000, you put down $10,000 on your next trade. You were absolutely sure you'd recoup your losses with that one big bet. But you just got yourself in deeper.

As your addiction got worse, it took more and more money and higher stakes gambling to make you feel something - anything - like excitement or a sense of control. You threw caution to the wind chasing that high. But all it did was fuel even bigger losses for you over time.

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Looking back, you can see how your crypto gambling addiction pushed you to take these really destructive risks, hoping to win back what you had lost. Chasing losses by raising the stakes was such a dangerous pattern you fell into.

a woman crying
'I don't know if he is lying or not about our savings.'

#3: Lying about gambling

When battling crypto gambling addiction, you'll likely find yourself lying to others to hide the extent of your gambling problem.

At first, the lies start small. You tell yourself it's just a little white lie to cover up why you missed that family dinner or couldn't hang out with friends.

You say, "I'm busy at work," when really you're gambling online. Or you say you're tired and going to bed early when you really want to gamble in secret at night. The lies gradually escalate as your addiction gets worse.

You start lying about where all your money is going. You make up reasons for why you're behind on bills or need to borrow money. When loved ones question your behavior, you lash out at them for no reason to distract them from the truth.

You lie about wins as well as losses. You exaggerate wins and don't admit the losses that are piling up, creating an illusion everything is under control. You rationalize the lies, telling yourself you'll quit gambling after one more big win and no one will be the wiser.

But as your lies accumulate, you feel isolated, knowing you're deceiving the people you care about. The only escape seems to be gambling more since that's the only place you feel free from lies. You crave that escape and will say anything to anyone to protect your ability to gamble.

Recognizing the lies and secrecy surrounding your gambling is an important step to recovery. You have to be honest with yourself first before you can be honest with those who care about you.

Now that you understand what is crypto gambling addiction, you may or may not have one of those above, and if you do, there's already tons of advice on the internet on how to combat them.

But, there's probably no counter advise on quitting crypto gambling addition. Knowing the other side of an advise can be much more powerful motivator to quit bad habits.

Here's The 8 Worst Ways to Quit Crypto Gambling Addition

Instead of telling you the best ways to quit, this article tells you exactly the 8 Worst Ways to battle crypto gambling addiction.

Here are 8 worst tips to battle crypto gambling addiction:

A person denying his own problem
'What do you mean I got issues? I am not the one with problems!''

#1: Admit You Don't Have a Problem

You arrogantly refuse to admit you have a crippling crypto-gambling addiction. You delude yourself into thinking you're somehow in control as you compulsively bet away all your money.

You tell yourself ridiculous lies to justify your disgusting behavior. When your loved ones express concern, you viciously attack them rather than take responsibility.

You are deeply in denial, convinced you can quit anytime, even as you slowly, or perhaps, quickly through leverage, gamble your life away. You are weak and pathetic, blaming others for your failings.

You lack the courage or decency to own up to your degenerate gambling habits. You would rather deceive everyone around you than confront the ugly truth. You are on a reckless path to self-destruction, yet you don't care who else you hurt.

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You falsely believe you are entitled to gamble away your last dollar while lying to everyone. You leave pain and suffering in your wake while you single-mindedly chase your next gambling fix. You are out of control, yet refuse to admit it.

Look at the shell of a person you have become, driven by addiction and destroying everything good in your life. Until you can muster the strength to admit you have a severe problem, you are doomed to keep hurting yourself and others. Have the guts to confront your addiction before it's too late.

a person having zero self awareness of his own addiction
'Wow, looks like my personal record is showing 90% loss rate. But, that's okay, one more trade will cover all the losses!'

#2: Never Look In The Mirror

You don't have to bother looking in the mirror at all costs, fearful of confronting the ugly truth of your crypto gambling addiction. The reflection that stares back reveals a shell of your former self, yet you desperately deny reality.

You recoil at the sight of your sallow skin and dark circles under dead, drained eyes—evidence of the obsession that consumes you. You see trembling hands, anxious to get back to gambling. But you quickly avert your gaze, unable to acknowledge the monster you've become.

In those brief glimpses, you spot the faint outlines of loved ones you've callously ignored and lied to to feed your addiction. Their distant shadows only momentarily give you pause before you race back to the false comfort of your crypto bets.

The mirror reflects a distorted vision of a person driven by destructive compulsions and reckless risk-taking. But you retreat further into denial, unwilling to confront this hideous reflection.

You may avoid your reflection, but your addiction continues inflicting pain.

You must face the mirror and how pathetic you look with a discomforting look; then, only you will wake up.

a person fighting his addiction
'Just one more trade, bro'

#3: Don't Care What Others Think, Especially Your Loved Ones

You arrogantly dismiss the concerns expressed by those who care about you most, showing no regard for how your crypto-gambling addiction affects them. Selfish compulsions consume you, oblivious to the emotional damage inflicted on loved ones.

You lash out when others dare question where your money is disappearing, insisting you don't have to justify yourself. You feel entitled to gamble away joint savings and household money, oblivious to the financial stress it causes.

When your loved ones are in tears over your worsening lies and deception, you coldly rebuff them. Your addiction comes first, no matter who gets hurt. You don't care that you missed your daughter's recital or your partner's birthday dinner because gambling came first.

You have become emotionally withdrawn and unavailable, mood oscillating between irritation and euphoria based on gambling outcomes. You have no interest in connecting unless it's about securing more money to gamble. Your selfishness corrodes your closest relationships.

You falsely believe you control your addiction when it is controlling you. In your stubborn refusal to care, you push away anyone trying to help.

Take a cold, hard look at the wake of suffering you leave behind in the pursuit of the next gambling fix. If you cannot care about your loved ones, you will also lose them while fueling your addiction.

temptation and triggers

#4: Ignore Your Triggers

You stubbornly ignore the predictable triggers that lead to your compulsive crypto gambling, leaving you vulnerable to relapse over and over again. You set yourself up for failure.

Even though certain emotions like stress, loneliness, or boredom drive you to gamble, you pretend you can handle them without sliding back into addiction. Or you expose yourself to known triggers like alcohol or sports events that lower your inhibitions around gambling.

You intentionally keep using the devices and apps that provide an instant pathway back to your addiction instead of removing them. And you continue visiting online forums or social media that routinely suck you back into obsessive gambling chatter and behavior.

In your foolish overconfidence, you believe you can walk the edge and resist temptation, even as past attempts prove otherwise. You ignore all the warnings, signs, and triggers blatantly apparent to everyone around you.

You do not accept you have a lack of control that requires vigilance against relapse. You lack the maturity and discipline to see your vulnerabilities and protect against them. You would rather naively blunder into totally preventable traps than take actual steps to stop fueling your addiction.

Your lack of accountability means you helplessly spin through a revolving door of triggering circumstances, near-constant relapse, and escalating consequences.

You must accept responsibility for your actions, or else this vicious cycle will never end.

a person making another calculated trade

'This time, it's different based on my calculation. This one will rocket to the moon! I swear!'

#5: Bet One More Time

You incessantly tell yourself you'll just bet one more time; then you'll quit for good. But one more bet inevitably leads to another and another, further fueling your delusions.

In your fantasy, you imagine that next bet being the big payout that makes up for all your losses. Just one more roll of the dice, one more hand dealt, and all your problems will be solved. But the temporary thrill gives way to the same empty feeling, and the cycle continues.

One more bet turns into chasing losses as you desperately try to win back the money you just lost. Then, one more bet trying to profit. One more bet as you convince yourself you're on a hot streak. The one-more-bet mentality never ends.

You are trapped in a prison of your own making, where the only escape is the next bet. Each wager provides a false sense of hope and control, keeping the addiction's grip tight. In reality, you are controlled by impulses and intensified cravings.

One more bet is how you justify blowing off work and responsibilities. One more bet enables your lies and deception. One more bet is how you rationalize the damage done to your finances, relationships, and self-respect.

Stop falling for the empty promises of one more bet. See how this thought pattern has overtaken rationality and restraint. You must break free and regain your self-control.

group of gambling addicts partying together

'We are all in this together, fams.' In reality, you are getting rugged by your fake gurus.

#6: Join Another Trading Group or Follow Another Guru

In your desperate search for the next 'alpha' or 'guaranteed win', you continually join new trading groups or follow self-proclaimed gurus peddling the next get-rich-quick scheme.

But you end up more lost than ever, falling deeper down the crypto gambling rabbit hole.

Lured in by promises of exclusive tips or special access, you waste money on one group after another. Despite endless trades and signals that lead nowhere, you somehow convince yourself the next group or guru will be different.

In your quiet to join every group, you never stop to think how none of these so-called experts can even consistently turn a profit themselves. Yet they have no problem profiting off your naive hopes by selling you another illusion.

You ignore how most of these groups exist only to get you to impulsively buy and sell more. Your gambling addiction makes you the perfect prey. No insight or strategy can help because discipline and restraint are what you really lack.

Chasing the next guru or group only accelerates your losses and deflates your self-esteem. But the false promise of a gambling edge keeps you returning for more. You will keep wasting time and money for nothing until you realize these groups exploit your addiction for profit.

We covered a bit about fake influencers in this topic 'Top 6 Blockchain Marketing Strategies that Works'—read section 5 to learn more.

The only way forward is to finally hold yourself accountable rather than falling for the same mistake. Look inward and find the willpower to walk away.

a person checking social media for trade opportunities

'Yes, this chart by CryptoRand (A crypto trader on X) looks legit, I should copy this trade!'

#7: Search for Convictions on X(Twitter) For Self Assurance

In a pathetic attempt to justify your out-of-control crypto gambling addiction, you constantly search Twitter for trading pattern validations of your harmful behavior. You desperately scrape together flimsy evidence that backs your addiction.

You seek out tweets from random people on Twitter who are also part of crypto degen culture—retweeting stories of massive wins that could only come through reckless risk-taking.

You use these isolated examples to validate your own actions without considering that you have probably already done this ton of time, which also resulted in the same outcome of losing.

In reality, you lack convictions, so you depend on social media validation to excuse your degenerate gambling habits.

Stop pathetically looking at Twitter's random charts.


If you want to continue ruining your life, keep gambling by following the exact eight worst ways to battle crypto gambling addition listed in this article.

Or, you can turn your life around by doing precisely the opposite of this entire article.

Plus, if you want to look at Twitter, you are better off learning about the Top 12 Web3 Marketing Tools You Need to Know.

In that article, we talked about Etherscan and Dune Analytics; learning about those helps you to be wiser with your money instead of gambling it away.

About the authors

Written by
Joshua Yap

Joshua Yap is the CEO of Solid Metrics with a background in Web3 marketing and community building for more than 5 years.

Reviewed by
Cheryl L

Cheryl is an experienced HR operations advisor with a great ability to detect poor English grammar.

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